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Guía Pedriza Boulder
  • Guía Pedriza Boulder

Guía Pedriza Boulder

The bouldering guide in La Pedriza Pedriza Boulder by Talo Martín is the most complete of those that have been published, with more than 3,470 steps included, including more than 250 blocks ideal for children.


The Pedriza Boulder guide has more than 460 pages with all the blocks of La Pedriza and some of the nearby areas. It is essential to move around this enormous block-making school in Madrid

With this guide you will have a code to download all the Topos, sectors, approaches, etc. in the Vertifal Life App


Topos of Loma de Las Casiruelas

Topos of Croquis of Perrillos

Topos of Bolo el Michel

Topos of Shark Topos

Topos of Cancho Islazo

Topos of Topos of Nothing

Topos of Crushacaderas

Topos of El Mirador

Pig Song Topos

Topos of Bars

Topos of Pinion

Topos ofCroquis of Cotillas

Topos of Blue Dots Topos

Topos of Croquis of Canto Cochino Oeste

Topos of Canto Cochino Este Croquis

Topos ofTopos of The Hill

Topos of Pradera del Pancho

Topos of Kindelán Topos

Topos of Tora Bora

Topos ofCroquis of Cat Flaps

Topos of Cordel del Nettle

Topos of Peña Sirio

Topos of The Family

Topos of the Turtle

Topos of El Castillo

Topos of The Turtle

Topos of Three Crowns

Topos of Canchal de Manzanares

Topos of El Canchal

Topos of El Campuzano and Picos de la Higuera

Topos of Pradera del Manso

Topos of Quebrantaherraduras

Topos of Caligula

Arizona Topos

Topos of Loma de la Camorza

Topos of Olympus

Topos of Pinocchio

West Crossroads Topos

Crossroads East Topos

Surf Topos

Camorza Gorge Topos

Topos of El Pozo

Topos of La Cuesta

Topos of El Tobogán

Topos of El Rinconcito

Superior Laboratory Topos

Lower Laboratory Topos

Central Laboratory Topos

Operating room Topos

Topos of Central Nebula

Topos of Inferior Nebula

Topos of El Manglar

Topos of The Seal

Topos of Prados de Peña Sacra

Topos of Cerro del Perro

Topos of Los Martinez

Topos of Mancevilla Superior

Topos of Mancevilla Inferior

Topos of La Ermita

Topos of Collado de la Cueva

Topos of El Indio

Topos of the machine

Topos of Western Deposits

East Deposit Topos

Topos of El Rincón

Topos ofThe Filming

Topos of La Dehesa

Topos of Dehesa Vaguada

Topos of Dehesa Inferior

Topos of Dehesa Central

Topos of Dehesa Superior

Topos of La Colmena

Topos of the Ruins

Sewer Topos

Magic Zone Topos

Topos of El Berrueco

Topos of Los Algibes

Manotas Topos


Topos of Navacerrada

Topos of Los Almorchones

Topos of Becerril de la Sierra

Topos of Becerril Rocklands

Topos of El Bolao

Topos of Los Caganches

Topos of Las Cruces

Topos of Canto del Molinillo

Gabarros Topos

Topos of La Ermita

Topos of Los Quiñones

Cerceda Topos

Topos of Las Praderas

Topos of Hoya de San Blas (Soto del Real)

Topos of Fuente Grande

Topos of Prado Montero

Topos of La berrocosa

Topos of Canto del Tolmo