The 80-meter Fixe Nargó 9.6mm rope is perfect for climbers looking for lightness and a rope that is easy to handle and very comfortable to use with belay devices. Made with 48 threads
The Fixe Nargó 9.6mm rope is a rope that incorporates some patented innovations from the Fixe brand such as the safety alert marking 8 meters before the end of each rope, a reflector at each end of the rope to be able to locate it more quickly when daylight begins to go down and ultrasonic cutting, which prevents the sliding of the shirt from displacing the core.
With its 9.6mm diameter, the Nargó is a very balanced rope in weight and performance, with an easy-to-use feel both during belaying and when plating quickdraws.
This rope is made with 48 threads , above the standard of 40 threads used by most ropes on the market, offering better durability data.
This rope is manufactured under the Nature concept of the Fixe brand, it is present in models that do not have additional water-repellent treatments, neither in the cover (Dry treatment) nor in the core of the rope (Full Dry).
The Classic+ system is a simpler manufacturing method, but it uses 48 threads instead of the 40 common in most competitive ropes. This makes this rope have less friction with the belay device, quickdraws and even the rock, making the rope more manageable, flexible and comfortable.